Finding Your Zone of Genius

You know what ONE thing can make leaders better decision makers? It’s knowing what stage of growth your company is in.

Recently, I talked about this during an interview with David on Ride a Roller Coaster. It was so much fun.

Five Stages of A Company

I shared with him our model called “5 stages of a company”. It goes like this:

  1. ideation

  2. launch + commit

  3. stabilize and scale

  4. young real business

  5. enterprise sales

If you don’t know what stage you’re in, then how are you going to hire the right staff, decide when it’s time to pivot,…(add more). I’ve found this model helps leaders make decisions against massive, if not perfect, uncertainty.

You can learn about this model and more in this episode.


Team Dynamics: The value of forming, storming, norming to drive success


Unleashing Your Zone of Genius: The Key to Business Success